Hey Mythwind/Stonesaga backer!  We hope you're doing fantastic!  Your support on this project means the world to us.  Mythwind wouldn't have ended up as amazing as it is without all of you, so it's really really important to us that we're able to send you everything that you pledged for.  

We know life happens and everything is constantly changing.  We have some helpful instructions here if you've moved homes or need to change your shipping address for any other reason.  

One of our valued backers just made a mistake with their shipping address and we have some screenshots from walking him through the change that may be helpful for you :)

Step 1:  Log-in to your www.gamefound.com using the email address that you used for Kickstarter and to complete the Pledge manager and click this symbol in the top-right hand corner with the person and gear icon.  Then click on "My Projects."

Step 2:  Find Mythwind in "My Projects" and click on "View your Pledge" - in this case, it looks like this backer has great taste and is a  fan of OOMM Games!

Step 3:  Next, you'll need to scroll down past the list of goodies you ordered, how much you've paid, to find the shipping information.  All the way at the bottom, underneath your shipping address, there's the button "Manage Shipping."   Click on it!


Step 4: Make the necessary changes to your shipping address, scroll all the way to the bottom (again!) and click the green "continue" button.

Step 5: Ta-da!  You've completed the most important step for Mythwind.  We now know your new address and the right place to send your game!  You'll probably get a pop-up though.  This is an awesome reminder from Gamefound that you've updated the address for Mythwind (yay!) but this is the only pledge that has been modified.  If you've moved and there are games other than Mythwind that you're waiting on, you'll want to repeat these steps for those projects as well!

Step 6:  Just one final thing we need you to do after pressing "OK"!  You'll need to scroll to the bottom yet again and click on the "submit" button.

Step 7:  Congratulations, just like Santa, we now know where to send your game!  Thanks again for your support and awesomeness!

Step 8:  Just kidding - there's no Step 8.  But, occasionally there are address changes that Gamefound does not allow backers to complete (such as if you're moving countries and sometimes States/Provinces).  Or, depending on the status of the project, we may have locked addresses.  Fear not!  If this is your situation, send us your Gamefound Order ID and your new shipping address to hello[at]openowlstudios.com.